C# (CSharp) Revit.SDK.Samples.GridCreation.CS 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
CreateGridsData Base class of all grid creation data class
CreateOrthogonalGridsData Data class which stores information for creating orthogonal grids
CreateOrthogonalGridsForm The dialog which provides the options of creating orthogonal grids
CreateRadialAndArcGridsData The dialog which provides the options of creating radial and arc grids
CreateRadialAndArcGridsForm The dialog which provides the options of creating radial and arc grids
CreateWithSelectedCurvesData The dialog which provides the options of creating grids with selected lines/arcs
CreateWithSelectedCurvesForm The dialog which provides the options of creating grids with selected lines/arcs
GridCreationOptionData Data class which stores the information of the way to create grids
GridCreationOptionForm The dialog which lets user choose the way to create grids
Unit Provides static functions to convert unit
Validation Class to validate input data before creating grids
Values Class contains common const values