C# (CSharp) ReviewNotifier 네임스페이스


이름 설명
MailTemplates Implements support for notifier email customizations. To customize email that notifier sends, create the following text files, and drop them in the same directory where ReviewNotifier.exe lives: Request.txt, Invite.txt, Iteration.txt, Response.txt, and Subjects.txt. The files should contain the text which is sent, respectively, when a reviewer is asked to join code review, when the code invitation is sent, when a reviewer makes comments, and when reviewee responds to the comments. The files should contain the following macros which are replaced whith real values (macro names are case-sensitive): Request.txt: {Reviewer} - the alias of the reviewer to which email is sent. {Webserver} - the server name where Malevich web site lives. {WebRoot} - the application's path on the site (e.g. Malevich) {MalevichId} - the id of the change in Malevich. {Reviewee} - the person requesting code review. {Details} - the description of the change list. The default template: Dear {Reviewer}, I would like a code review. Please go to http://{Webserver}{WebRoot}/default.aspx?cid={MalevichId} to comment. If you are super busy and cannot do the review soon, kindly notify me immediately so I could plan for contingencies. -- {Reviewee} --------- {Details} Invite.txt: {Webserver} - the server name where Malevich web site lives. {WebRoot} - the application's path on the site (e.g. Malevich) {MalevichId} - the id of the change in Malevich. {Reviewee} - the person requesting code review. {Details} - the description of the change list. The default template: Dear potential reviewer, I am in need of your professional opinion. Could you do a code review for me? To accept the review request (thank you! thank you! thank you!), click on this link: http://{Webserver}{WebRoot}/default.aspx?cid={MalevichId}&action=makemereviewer To learn more about this change, please go to http://{Webserver}{WebRoot}/default.aspx?cid={MalevichId} You can add yourself as a reviewer there as well. Thank you very, very much! -- {Reviewee} --------- {Details} Iteration.txt: {Reviewee} - the person requesting code review. {Verdict} - What is the final verdict (needs work/LGTM/etc). This is a full sentence supplied by the notifier. {Webserver} - the server name where Malevich web site lives. {WebRoot} - the application's path on the site (e.g. Malevich) {MalevichId} - the id of the change in Malevich. {Reviewer} - the alias of the reviewer to which email is sent. {Details} - the list of comments (formatted my notifier) made by the reviewer The default template: Dear {Reviewee}, Thank you for giving me the opportunity to review your code. {Verdict} Please see the detailed comments at http://{Webserver}{WebRoot}/default.aspx?cid={MalevichId} -- {Reviewer} --------- {Details} Response.txt: {Webserver} - the server name where Malevich web site lives. {WebRoot} - the application's path on the site (e.g. Malevich) {MalevichId} - the id of the change in Malevich. {Reviewee} - the person requesting code review. {Details} - the list of comments (formatted my notifier) made by the reviewer The default template: Dear reviewers, Thank you for your comments. Please see my responses at http://{Webserver}{WebRoot}/default.aspx?cid={MalevichId} -- {Reviewee} --------- {Details} Reminder.txt: {Webserver} - the server name where Malevich web site lives. {WebRoot} - the application's path on the site (e.g. Malevich) {MalevichId} - the id of the change in Malevich. {CL} - change list. {Reviewee} - the person requesting code review. {Details} - the description of the change list. The default template: Dear {Reviewee}, Your code review (http://{Webserver}{WebRoot}/default.aspx?cid={MalevichId}) for the change list {CL} is now very, very old! Chances are that the change has already been submitted and you just need to close the review: review close {CL} Or delete it if the change has been abandoned: review delete {CL} Otherwise consider reminding your reviewers about it! -- Malevich --------- {Details} Subjects.txt: {CL} - change list. {Reviewee} - the person requesting code review. {Details} - abbreviated change list description. {Verdict} - the vote (only in the iteration template). The default template: REQUEST: Code review for CL {CL} by {Reviewee} INVITE: Looking for reviewers for CL {CL} by {Reviewee} RESPONSE: Code review for CL {CL} by {Reviewee} ITERATION: Code review for CL {CL} by {Reviewee} REMINDER: Code review for CL {CL} by {Reviewee}
Program Sends an email every time a review is requested or performed. Must be executed from a real user context.
Program.Logger A class that logs to the console, and potentially to a file.