C# (CSharp) R.Scheduler.Core 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Analytics Provides analytical data about scheduled jobs
AuditJobListener Persist history of all job executions via implementation of IPersistanceStore configured during the Scheduler initialisation. Log history of all job executions via Common.Logging.
AuditTriggerListener Persist history of all trigger firings via implementation of IPersistanceStore configured during the Scheduler initialisation. Log history of all trigger firings via Common.Logging.
BaseJobsImpController A base class that provides common functionality for job controllers
CronExpressionEx Extension of CronExpression
PersistanceStoreInterceptor Everytime a default instance of IPersistanceStore is created by StructureMap, replace it with an implementation configured during the scheduler startup. Used mainly for injecting the IPersistanceStore implementation into the StructureMap registries of CustomJobTypes projects to ensure a single persistence store for monitoring and auditing different types of jobs.
SchedulerCore Provides abstraction layer between the Quartz Scheduler and the R.Scheduler controllers