C# (CSharp) PhotoSharingApp.Universal.Views 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AboutPage The about page.
AnimationHelper Helper class for UI animations.
AppShell The "chrome" layer of the app that provides top-level navigation with proper keyboarding navigation.
CameraPage The page that allows taking a photo or opening a photo from the device's photos library.
CategoriesChooserDialog The dialog that allows the user to choose a category.
CategoriesPage The categories page that displays the most recent categories with photo thumbnails.
CreateCategoryDialog The dialog that allows creating a new category.
CropPage The page that allows cropping a photo.
DebugPage The page that contains debug configuration settings.
GiveGoldDialog The dialog that allows giving gold to a photo.
LeaderboardsPage The leaderboards page.
MessageDialogService A dialog service that uses MessageDialog for showing messages to the user.
PhotoDetailsPage The page that shows details for a selected photo.
ProfilePage The profile page that shows all uploaded photos of a user.
SelectedRegion Encapsulates the cropping region used by CropControl.
SettingsPage The settings page.
SignInPage The page that allows the user to sign in.
StreamPage The photo stream page.
UploadPage The page that allows the user to upload a photo with a description.
WelcomePage The Welcome page.