C# (CSharp) PhotoSharingApp.Universal.ValueConverters 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AuthProviderToStringConverter Converts the name of a mobile service auth provider into a better readable string. E.g. "MicrosoftAccount" -> "Microsoft Account"
BooleanToVisibilityConverter Converts a boolean value to Visibility.
EnumDisplayNameToStringConverter Converts values of Enum into the Display Name attribute string for binding purposes.
GoldValueToGaveGoldStringConverter Converts a gold value from an annotation into a readable string message. E.g. "4" -> "Gave 4 pieces of Gold"
InverseBooleanConverter Inverts a boolean value.
NullToBoolConverter A converter that returns true if the input value is not null and false otherwise.
NullToVisibilityConverter A converter that returns Visibility.Visible if the input value is not null and Visibility.Collapsed otherwise.
PhotoStatusToStringConverter Converts values of PhotoStatus into a human readable string for binding purposes.
RankConverter Converts a long rank (1-10) to an ordinal rank.
RelativeTimeConverter Does conversion between DateTime and a human readable string which specifies the time passed.
SelectedLegendItemToColorConverter This converter helps mapping the selection state of a list legend item to a color value.