C# (CSharp) PhotoSharingApp.Universal.Services 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AuthEnforcementHandler Handles authentication enforcement.
AuthenticationCanceledException The exception that is thrown when the user has canceled authentication.
AuthenticationException The exception that is thrown when authentication has failed.
AuthenticationHandler Helper calss for doing authentication & managing auth status using Azure Mobile Services.
AzureAppService Provides access to the Azure App Service that offers authentication with 3rd party providers.
InsufficientBalanceException The exception that is thrown when the user gold balance is not sufficient for a specific operation.
NotificationRegistrationClient Register/update/delete notification registration for the client.
PhotoDummyService This is a dummy service implementation that returns static data. This data can be used for development purposes in order to have data available at design-time for layouting. This data can also be used to simulate fetching data from a real service.
ServiceClient The service client that hits the real service via HTTP(S).
ServiceException The exception that is thrown when there is an issue getting data from or pushing data to the service.
SignInRequiredException The exception that is thrown when an operation was canceled because sign-in is required.
UnauthorizedException The exception that is thrown when access to the service is not authorized.