C# (CSharp) PeterO 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
BEncoding Contains methods for reading and writing objects represented in BEncode, a serialization format used in the BitTorrent protocol. For more information, see: http://wiki.theory.org/BitTorrentSpecification This class accepts BEncoded strings in UTF-8, and outputs BEncoded strings in UTF-8. This class also demonstrates how CBORObject supports predefined serialization formats.
DataUtilities Contains methods useful for reading and writing strings. It is designed to have no dependencies other than the basic runtime class library.
PrecisionContext Contains parameters for controlling the precision, rounding, and exponent range of arbitrary-precision numbers.
RandomGenerator A class that adapts a random byte generator to generate random numbers in a variety of statistical distributions.

The method descriptions in this class assume the underlying random byte generator generates uniformly distributed numbers that are independent of each other.

Thread safety: The methods in this class are safe for concurrent use by multiple threads, as long as the underlying random byte generator is as well.

Runner Description of Runner.
XorShift128Plus A class that implements a statistically-random byte generator, using Sebastiano Vigna's xorshift128+ RNG as the underlying implementation. By default, this class is safe for concurrent use among multiple threads.