C# (CSharp) PetStore.Service 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
CategoryService As you can see this service does not imeplement any service interface. This is OK for components you dont think you would need to offer more than one implementation. Principles: YAGNI and KISS :-)
DefaultProductService This service doesn't add much, as a matter of fact we're being extremely purists here and the service just sits between the presentation layer and the data access layer. We, for this project, don't want the presentation layer using the data access layer directly. But, as I said, we're just being purists.
DefaultRecommendationService A clever recommendation service should use some branch of AI to suggest meaningfull products (think adaptive resonance theory / http://jroller.com/page/hammett?entry=finally_something_interesting_on_my) based on the history of the customer (if available). But we just pick up some random products