C# (CSharp) PerplexMail 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
Attachment This class is used to add attachments of any type to the e-mail.
AttachmentPreview A container class containing information about where an attachment can be located that has been sent with an e-mail by the e-mailpackage.
Constants Contains all the application-wide constants that are used by PerplexMail.
Email The central class to the email package. It can be configured to send emails.
EmailTag This class is used as a model class to specify which tag (in the email) should be replaced with which value
EncryptionResult The results of the encryption operation. Consult the properties to read each part of the encrypted string. To combine the EncryptionResult object into a single hash string, simply call .ToString().
HashResult The results of the hashing operation. Consult the properties to read each part of the hash string. To combine the HashResult object into a single hash string, simply call .ToString().
HttpStatisticsModule This module tracks any events (statistics) that are triggered from e-mails send by the e-mailpackage.
PasswordResult The results of the password generation operation. Consult the properties to read each part of the encrypted string. To combine the EncryptionResult object into a single hash string, simply call .ToString().
Security This class manages all security related concerns for the PerplexMail package, such as encryption/decryption, hashing and password generation.