C# (CSharp) PayPal.Invoice.Model 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BusinessInfoType Contact information for a company participating in the invoicing system.
CancelInvoiceRequest The request object for CancelInvoice.
CancelInvoiceResponse The response object for CancelInvoice.
CreateAndSendInvoiceRequest The request object for CreateAndSendInvoice.
CreateAndSendInvoiceResponse The response object for CreateAndSendInvoice.
CreateInvoiceRequest The request object for CreateInvoice.
CreateInvoiceResponse The response object for CreateInvoice.
DateRangeType Determines an inclusive date range.
DeleteInvoiceRequest The request object for DeleteInvoice.
DeleteInvoiceResponse The response object for DeleteInvoice.
EnumUtils Utility class for Enums with descriptions
ErrorData This type contains the detailed error information resulting from the service operation.
FaultMessage This specifies a fault, encapsulating error data, with specific error codes.
GenerateInvoiceNumberRequest The request object for GenerateInvoiceNumber.
GenerateInvoiceNumberResponse The response object for GenerateInvoiceNumber.
GetInvoiceDetailsRequest The request object for GetInvoiceDetails.
GetInvoiceDetailsResponse The response object for CreateInvoice.
InvoiceDetailsType Invoice details about the invoice status and state change dates.
InvoiceItemListType A list of invoice items.
InvoiceItemType Item information about a service or product listed in the invoice.
InvoiceSummaryListType A list of invoice summaries.
InvoiceSummaryType Summary of invoice information.
InvoiceType Invoice details about the merchant, payer, totals and terms.
MarkInvoiceAsPaidRequest The request object for MarkInvoiceAsPaid.
MarkInvoiceAsPaidResponse The response object for MarkInvoiceAsPaid.
MarkInvoiceAsRefundedRequest The request object for MarkInvoiceAsRefunded.
MarkInvoiceAsRefundedResponse The response object for MarkInvoiceAsRefunded.
MarkInvoiceAsUnpaidRequest The request object for MarkInvoiceAsUnpaid.
MarkInvoiceAsUnpaidResponse The response object for MarkInvoiceAsUnpaid.
OtherPaymentDetailsListType A list of other paymentss.
OtherPaymentDetailsType Offline payment details about the invoice.
OtherPaymentRefundDetailsListType A list of other paymentss.
OtherPaymentRefundDetailsType Details of the refund made against this invoice.
PayPalPaymentDetailsListType A list of paypal paymentss.
PayPalPaymentDetailsType PayPal payment details about the invoice.
PayPalPaymentRefundDetailsListType A list of other paymentss.
PayPalPaymentRefundDetailsType Details of the paypal refund made against this invoice.
PaymentDetailsType Payment details about the invoice.
PaymentRefundDetailsType Payment refund details about the invoice.
RemindInvoiceRequest The request object for RemindInvoice.
RemindInvoiceResponse The response object for RemindInvoice.
RequestEnvelope This specifies the list of parameters with every request to the service.
ResponseEnvelope This specifies a list of parameters with every response from a service.
SearchInvoicesRequest The request object for SearchInvoices.
SearchInvoicesResponse The response object for SearchInvoices.
SearchParametersType Search parameters criteria.
SendInvoiceRequest The request object for SendInvoice.
SendInvoiceResponse The response object for SendInvoice.
UpdateInvoiceRequest The request object for UpdateInvoice.
UpdateInvoiceResponse The response object for UpdateInvoice.