C# (CSharp) PBCaGw.Workers 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BeaconCommand Calls the correct request command handler
PacketPacker Packs packets (UDP) together.
PacketSplitter Cuts TCP or UDP packet is EPICS messages
ReceiverWorker Deals with UDP or TCP receivers. Don't need the ProcessData as the worker will not receive any data from previous workers being the first of the chain.
RequestCommand Calls the correct request command handler
ResponseCommand Calls the correct response command handler
TcpClientSender Sends the message to a defined TCP socket which is connected to a CA client (MEDM for example)
TcpIocSender Sends the message to a defined TCP socket which is connected to a CA server (IOC for example)
TcpReceiver Receives data from the TCP connection
UdpReceiver Receives data from an UDP connection
UdpSender Sends the UDP packet directly.
Worker Base class for all the workers of a processing chain.
WorkerChain Stores a processing chain composed of workers