C# (CSharp) P2PStateServer 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BadMessage Represents the UnknownRequest message.
BadRequestResponse Represents the BadRequestResponse message
BeginAuthRequest Represents the BeginAuthRequest message
CompleteAuthRequest Represents the CompleteAuthRequest message
Diags Provides methods and properties for tracking messages, errors, processing time, deadlocks and other issues that may occur in the state server
Diags.Tag Represents a tag used for tracking a message for diagnostic purposes
GetExclusiveRequest Represents the GetExclusiveRequest message.
GetRequest Represents the GetExclusiveRequest message.
GetTransferMessage Represents the GetTransferMessage message
HTTPMessage Represents a HTTP message
HTTPMethod Represents a parser for the first line of a HTTP request or response.
HTTPPartialData Represents a structure where partial HTTP data can accumulate as it is transmitted until transmission is complete.
LockedResponse Represents the LockedResponse message
NotFoundResponse Represents the NotFoundResponse message
OKResponse Represents the OKResponse message
PeerMessage Represents a PeerMessage message
PingMessage Represents the PingMessage message
PingReplyMessage Represents the PingReplyMessage message
PreconditionFailedResponse Represents the PreconditionFailedResponse message.
ReleaseExclusiveRequest Represents the ReleaseExclusiveRequest message.
RemoveRequest Represents the RemoveRequest message.
ResetTimeoutRequest Represents the ResetTimeoutRequest message.
SHA256_AESAuthenticator Represents an authentication object that hashes data with he SHA256 hash algorithm and encrypts/decrypts data with the Rjindael algorithm
ServiceMessage Represents a message originating from a peer, state server or client (web server)
ServiceRequest Represents a ServiceRequest message
ServiceResponse Represents a ServiceResponse message
ServiceSocket Represents an exception-safe wrapper of the .NET socket class. It exposes asynchronous methods and properties useful for state server soket operations.
ServiceUnavailableResponse Represents the ServiceUnavailableResponse message sent by a peer when it's shutting down
SessionObject Represents a stored session
SessionResponseInfo Represents basic information about a session sent in a transmission
SetRequest Represents the SetRequest message
SetTransferRequest Represents the SetTransferRequest message.
UnauthorizedResponse Represents the UnauthorizedResponse message
UnknownRequest Represents the UnknownRequest message.
UnknownResponse Represents the UnknownResponse message.