이름 |
설명 |
AndroidGLESConfig |
Contains OpenGL ES-specific rendering information. |
D3D10Config |
Contains D3D10-specific rendering information. |
D3D10TextureData |
Contains D3D10-specific texture information |
D3D11Config |
Contains D3D11-specific rendering information. |
D3D11TextureData |
Contains D3D11-specific texture information |
D3D9Config |
Contains D3D9-specific rendering information. |
D3D9TextureData |
Contains D3D9-specific texture information |
DistortionMesh |
Describes a full set of distortion mesh data, filled in by ovrHmd_CreateDistortionMesh. Contents of this data structure, if not null, should be freed by ovrHmd_DestroyDistortionMesh. |
DistortionMesh_Raw |
DistortionVertex |
EyeRenderDesc |
FovPort |
FrameTiming |
FrameTiming_Raw |
GLTextureData |
Contains OpenGL-specific texture information |
HSWDisplayState |
Hmd |
Provides an interface to a CAPI HMD object. The ovrHmd instance is normally created by ovrHmd::Create, after which its other methods can be called. The typical process would involve calling: Setup: - Initialize() to initialize the OVR SDK. - Construct Hmd to create an ovrHmd. - Use hmd members and ovrHmd_GetFovTextureSize() to determine graphics configuration. - ConfigureTracking() to configure and initialize tracking. - ConfigureRendering() to setup graphics for SDK rendering, which is the preferred approach. - Please refer to "Client Distortion Rendering" below if you prefer to do that instead. - If ovrHmdCap_ExtendDesktop is not set, use ovrHmd_AttachToWindow to associate the window with an Hmd. - Allocate render textures as needed. Game Loop: - Call ovrHmd_BeginFrame() to get frame timing and orientation information. - Render each eye in between, using ovrHmd_GetEyePoses or ovrHmd_GetHmdPosePerEye to get the predicted hmd pose and each eye pose. - Call ovrHmd_EndFrame() to render distorted textures to the back buffer and present them on the Hmd. Shutdown: - Dispose the Hmd to release the ovrHmd. - ovr_Shutdown() to shutdown the OVR SDK. |
HmdDesc |
This is a complete descriptor of the HMD. |
HmdDesc_Raw |
Matrix4f |
Matrix4f_Raw |
OpenGLLinuxConfig |
Contains OpenGL-specific rendering information for Linux. |
OpenGLWindowsConfig |
Contains OpenGL-specific rendering information for Windows. |
PoseStatef |
Posef |
Quatf |
Recti |
RenderAPIConfig |
Contains platform-specific information for rendering. |
RenderAPIConfigHeader |
RenderAPIConfig_Raw |
SensorData |
Specifies a reading we can query from the sensor. |
Sizei |
Texture |
Contains platform-specific information for rendering. |
TextureHeader |
Texture_Raw |
TrackingState |
Vector2f |
Vector2i |
Vector3f |