C# (CSharp) OpenTK.Input 네임스페이스


이름 설명
GamePad Provides access to GamePad devices. Note: this API is not implemented yet.
JoystickAxisCollection Defines a collection of JoystickAxes.
JoystickButtonCollection Defines a collection of JoystickButtons.
JoystickButtonEventArgs Provides data for the JoystickDevice.ButtonDown and JoystickDevice.ButtonUp events. This class is cached for performance reasons - avoid storing references outside the scope of the event.
JoystickDevice Represents a joystick device and provides methods to query its status.
JoystickMoveEventArgs Provides data for the JoystickDevice.Move event. This class is cached for performance reasons - avoid storing references outside the scope of the event.
Keyboard Provides access to keyboard devices. Note: this API is not implemented yet.
KeyboardDevice Represents a keyboard device and provides methods to query its status.
KeyboardKeyEventArgs Defines the event data for KeyboardDevice events.
Mouse Provides access to mouse devices. Note: this API is not implemented yet.
MouseEventArgs Defines the event data for MouseDevice events.
MouseWheelEventArgs Defines the event data for MouseDevice.WheelChanged events.