C# (CSharp) OpenQA.Selenium.Firefox 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
Command Represents a command sent to the WebDriver Firefox extension.
Context Provides the context of a Command or Response.
FirefoxDriver Provides a way to access Firefox to run tests.
FirefoxExtension Provides the ability to install extensions into a FirefoxProfile.
FirefoxProfile Provides the ability to edit the preferences associated with a Firefox profile.
FirefoxProfileManager Allows the user to enumerate and access existing named Firefox profiles.
FirefoxWebElement Allows the user to control elements on a page in Firefox.
Preferences Represents the preferences used by a profile in Firefox.
Response Represents the response returned by a command.
ResponseValueJsonConverter Converter used to convert Command objects to the proper JSON format.