C# (CSharp) Oda 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
Account Account base information.
Authentication All the methods for authentication.
Contact Contact information.
GetUploadStatusJson Gets the upload status by the Id of the upload.
HttpEventArgs Arguments for an Http Event
HttpUploadStatusEventArgs Arguments for the Http upload event.
Log Writes a log. Safe for multi threaded writes.
Mapper Used to map data from HTTP JSON requests to methods.
Plugin An Oda plugin. All plugins have this class as their base class.
Session A session for Oda.
SessionProperties Generic properties collection for sessions
SessionProperty A property drawn from an Oda.Session class and automatically committed to the database
Sql This plugin allows you to attach to a T-SQL database and preserve an open connection. It also contains CRUD utilities (Create, Read, Update, Delete) for JSON to SQL and SQL to JSON.
SqlParameter A parameter for use with SqlWhere
SqlWhere A where clause used in a SQL query generated by Sql.JsonReadOrDelete(string,int,int,Oda.SqlWhere).
UpdateAccountArgs Arguments for the IAuthentication event interface
UploadStatus Holds status messages for uploads
UploadedFile Represents a file uploaded from a HTTP client.