이름 |
설명 |
AssemblyExtensions |
ClosureEvaluator |
This class walks an expression tree and replaces compiler generated closure member accesses with their value. |
CommandLineParser |
CommandLineUtility |
CommandManager |
ConflictResult |
Stores information about a conflict during an install. |
ConsoleCredentialProvider |
Constants |
Crc32 |
CredentialProviderExtensions |
CredentialStore |
CryptoHashProvider |
DataServicePackage |
DataServicePackageRepository |
DebugHelper |
DefaultCredentialProvider |
DefaultManifestValuesRule |
DefaultPackagePathResolver |
DefaultPackageRuleSet |
DependentsWalker |
FileHelper |
FileSystemExtensions |
FileSystemWrapper |
FrameworkAssemblyReference |
HashCodeCombiner |
HttpClient |
HttpUtility |
InstallWalker |
InstallWalker.OperationLookup |
Operation lookup encapsulates an operation list and another efficient data structure for finding package operations by package id, version and PackageAction. |
LocalPackage |
LocalPackageRepository |
LocalPackageRepository.PackageCacheEntry |
LocalizedResourceManager |
MachineCache |
The machine cache represents a location on the machine where packages are cached. It is a specific implementation of a local repository and can be used as such. |
Manifest |
Manifest.NullServiceProvider |
ManifestFileList |
This class is used to work around the bug (or bad design, depending on how you look at it) in .NET XML deserialization engine in that it always deserializes a missing collection element as an empty list, instead of null. |
ManifestFrameworkAssembly |
ManifestMetadata |
ManifestReader |
ManifestReference |
ManifestSchemaUtility |
ManifestVersionUtility |
MultipartWebRequest |
MultipartWebRequest.PostFileData |
NuGetConstants |
NuGetResources |
NullCredentialProvider |
NullFileSystem |
NullLogger |
NullSettings |
ObjectExtensions |
OptionAttribute |
PackageBuilder |
PackageDependency |
PackageDownloader |
PackageExtensions |
PackageHelper |
PackageIdValidator |
PackageInfo |
PackageIssue |
PackageManager |
PackageMarker |
Keeps track of a package's visited state while walking a graph. It also acts as a package repository and a dependents resolver for the live graph. |
PackageReference |
PackageReferenceFile |
PackageReferenceRepository |
This repository implementation keeps track of packages that are referenced in a project but it also has a reference to the repository that actually contains the packages. It keeps track of packages in an xml file at the project root (packages.xml). |
PackageRepositoryBase |
PackageRestoreConsent |
PackageServer |
PackageSorter |
PackageSourceProvider |
PackageUtility |
PackageWalkInfo |
PackageWalker |
PathUtility |
PathValidator |
PhysicalFileSystem |
PhysicalPackageFile |
Preprocessor |
Simple token replacement system for content files. |
Program |
ProjectInstallWalker |
ProjectManager |
ProxyCache |
ProxyService |
PublishData |
QueryableUtility |
QueryableUtility.ExpressionRewriter |
RedirectedHttpClient |
This class should be used when ever you are using a link that is actually redirecting to the destination link that you want to use as the data source. A good example of that is a link that forwards like the current nuget link that is configured as a default location for nuget packages. |
RepositoryOperationNames |
Set of known context values to be used in calls to HttpUtility.CreateUserAgentString |
RequestHelper |
This class is used to keep sending requests until a response code that doesn't require authentication happens or if the request requires authentication and the user has stopped trying to enter them (i.e. they hit cancel when they are prompted). |
RequestHelper.HttpWebResponseWrapper |
ResourceHelper |
SemanticVersionTypeConverter |
Settings |
SettingsCredentialProvider |
SettingsExtensions |
SharedPackageRepository |
SimplePackage |
StreamExtensions |
TypeHelper |
UninstallWalker |
UnzippedPackage |
An unzipped package has its contents laid out as physical files on disk inside a directory, instead of inside a .nupkg file. |
UnzippedPackageRepository |
UpdateWalker |
UriUtility |
UserSettings |
VersionSpec |
VersionUtility |
XElementExtensions |
XmlTransfomer |
XmlUtility |
ZipPackage |
ZipPackageAssemblyReference |
ZipPackageFactory |
ZipPackageFile |