C# (CSharp) Novell.Directory.Ldap.Extensions 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AbortPartitionOperationRequest Aborts the last partition operation that was requested on the specified partition if the operation is still pending. The AbortPartitionRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= flags INTEGER partitionDN LdapDN
AddReplicaRequest Adds a replica to the specified directory server. To add a replica to a particular server, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The addReplicaRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= flags INTEGER replicaType INTEGER serverName LdapDN dn LdapDN
ChangeReplicaTypeRequest Changes the type of the replica that resides on the specified directory server. To change a replica's type, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The changeReplicaTypeRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= flags INTEGER replicaType INTEGER serverName LdapDN dn LdapDN
GetBindDNRequest Returns the distingusihed name of the object your are logged in as. To use this class, you must create an instance of the class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The returned LdapExtendedResponse object can then be converted to a GetBindDNResponse object with the ExtendedREsponseFactory class. This object contains methods for retrieving the distinguished name. The GetBindDNRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The request value has a value of null.
GetBindDNResponse Retrieves the identity from an GetBindDNResponse object. An object in this class is generated from an LdapExtendedResponse object using the ExtendedResponseFactory class. The GetBindDNResponse extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719.
GetEffectivePrivilegesRequest Returns the effective rights of one object to an attribute of another object. To use this class, you must instantiate an object of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The returned LdapExtendedResponse object can then be converted to a GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse object with the ExtendedResponseFactory class. The GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse class contains methods for retrieving the effective rights. The getEffectivePrivilegesRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= dn LdapDN trusteeDN LdapDN attrName LdapDN
GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse Retrieves the effective rights from an GetEffectivePrivilegesResponse object. An object in this class is generated from an ExtendedResponse object using the ExtendedResponseFactory class. The getEffectivePrivilegesResponse extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719.
GetReplicaInfoRequest Reads information about a replica. The information available includes such items as replicas state, last modification time, and replica type. To read other information about a replica, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The getReplicaInfoRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= serverDN LdapDN partitionDN LdapDN
GetReplicaInfoResponse Retrieves the replica information from a GetReplicaInfoResponse object. An object in this class is generated from an ExtendedResponse using the ExtendedResponseFactory class. The getReplicaInfoResponse extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719.
GetReplicationFilterRequest Gets the Replication filter for all replicas on the server. The filter is returned as an array of classnames-attribute names pairs. To get the filter for all replicas on a specific server, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The GetReplicationFilterRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= serverName LdapDN
GetReplicationFilterResponse This object represent the filter returned fom a GetReplicationFilterRequest. An object in this class is generated from an ExtendedResponse object using the ExtendedResponseFactory class. The GetReplicationFilterResponse extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719.
ListReplicasRequest Lists all the replicas that reside on the the specified directory server. To list replicas, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The listReplicaRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= serverName LdapDN
ListReplicasResponse Retrieves the list of replicas from the specified server. An object in this class is generated from an ExtendedResponse object using the ExtendedResponseFactory class. The listReplicaResponse extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719.1.27.20
MergePartitionsRequest Merges a child partition with its parent partition. To merge a child partition with its parent, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The mergePartitionsRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= flags INTEGER dn LdapDN
NamingContextConstants Contains a collection of constants used by the Novell Ldap extensions.
PartitionEntryCountRequest Returns a count of the number of entries (objects) in the specified partition. To obtain the count of entries, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The returned LdapExtendedResponse object can then be converted to a PartitionEntryCountResponse object. This class contains methods for retrieving the returned count. The PartitionEntryCountRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= dn LdapDN
PartitionEntryCountResponse Returns the number of entries in the partition. An object in this class is generated from an ExtendedResponse object using the ExtendedResponseFactory class. The PartitionEntryCountResponse extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719.
PartitionSyncRequest Synchronizes all replicas of a naming context. The PartitionSyncRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= serverName LdapDN partitionRoot LdapDN delay INTEGER
ReceiveAllUpdatesRequest Schedules a specified directory server to receive updates from another directory server for a specific replica. The receiveAllUpdatesRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= partitionRoot LdapDN toServerDN LdapDN fromServerDN LdapDN
RefreshLdapServerRequest Reloads the Ldap server. The refreshLdapServerRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue is set to null.
RemoveOrphanPartitionRequest Deletes an orphan partition. To delete an orphan partition, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The RemoveOrphanPartitionRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= serverDN LdapDN contextName LdapDN
RemoveReplicaRequest Removes a replica from the specified directory server. To remove a replica from a particular server, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The removeReplicaRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= flags INTEGER serverName LdapDN dn LdapDN
ReplicationConstants Contains a collection of constants used by the replication management in Novell Ldap extensions.
SendAllUpdatesRequest Schedules an updated request to be sent to all directory servers in a replica ring. The sendAllUpdatesRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= partitionRoot LdapDN origServerDN LdapDN
SetReplicationFilterRequest Sets the Replication filter for all replicas on the server. The filter specified is a an array of classnames-attribute names pairs. To set the filter for all replicas on the connected server, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The SetReplicationFilterRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= serverName LdapDN SEQUENCE of SEQUENCE { classname OCTET STRING SEQUENCE of ATTRIBUTES } where ATTRIBUTES:: OCTET STRING
SplitOrphanPartitionRequest Splits a new orphan partitiont. To split a new orphan partition, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The SplitOrphanPartitionRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= serverDN LdapDN contextName LdapDN
SplitPartitionRequest Creates a new partition. To split a new partition, you must create an instance of this class and then call the extendedOperation method with this object as the required LdapExtendedOperation parameter. The SplitPartitionRequest extension uses the following OID: 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= flags INTEGER dn LdapDN
TriggerBackgroundProcessRequest This API is used to trigger the specified background process on the Novell eDirectory server. The TriggerBackgroundProcessRequest uses tone of the following OID's depending on the process being triggered: 2.16.840.1.113719. 2.16.840.1.113719. 2.16.840.1.113719. 2.16.840.1.113719. 2.16.840.1.113719. 2.16.840.1.113719. The requestValue has the following format: requestValue ::= NULL