C# (CSharp) Netty 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AspNetHandler Provides an HTTP handler for processing ASP.NET requests.
AspRequestProcessor A class that executes requests.
AspServerConfiguration Provides a concrete implementation of the IAspServerConfiguration interface.
AspServerRequest Provides an HttpWorkerRequest that is used by the ASP.Net runtime.
HttpContext A class that provides a concrete implementation of the IHttpContext interface.
HttpRequest Provides a concrete implementation of IHttpRequest based on a HttpListenerRequest.
HttpResponse Provides a concrete implementation of the IHttpResponse interface based on a HttpListenerResponse.
HttpStatusCodes A class that contains standard HTTP status codes.
NettyServer A class that serves as the base for all ASP hosted websites.
NetworkUtility A class that represents a set of Network related functions.
WebsiteInitializer A class used to initialize a website within the context of an ASP.Net server.