C# (CSharp) NetMQ.Sockets 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DealerSocket A DealerSocket is a NetMQSocket, whereby the dealer sends messages in a way intended to achieve load-balancing - which are received in a fair queueing manner.
PairSocket A PairSocket is a NetMQSocket, usually used to synchronize two threads - using only one socket on each side.
PublisherSocket Publisher socket, is the pub in pubsub pattern. publish a message to all subscribers which subscribed for the topic
PullSocket Part of the push pull pattern, will pull messages from push socket
PushSocket A PushSocket is a NetMQSocket intended to be used as the "Push" part of the Push-Pull pattern. This will "push" messages to be pulled by the "pull" socket.
ResponseSocket Response socket
SubscriberSocket A SubscriberSocket is a NetMQSocket intended to be used as the "Sub" in the PubSub pattern. The intended usage is to receive messages from the publisher socket.