C# (CSharp) Neo4jClient.Transactions 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Neo4jTransaction Implements the Neo4j HTTP transaction for multiple HTTP requests
Neo4jTransactionProxy Implements the TransactionScopeProxy interfaces for INeo4jTransaction
Neo4jTransationSinglePhaseNotification When TransactionPromotableSinglePhaseNotification fails to register as PSPE, then this class will be registered, and all the necessary work will be done in here
TransactionContext Encapsulates a transaction object with its transaction scheduler.
TransactionExecutionEnvironment Because the resource manager is held in another application domain, the transaction execution environment has to be serialized to cross app domain boundaries.
TransactionHttpUtils Contains utility methods for handling HttpResponseMessages in a transaction scope
TransactionManager Handles all the queries related to transactions that could be needed in a ITransactionalGraphClient
TransactionPromotableSinglePhaseNotification This class manages the System.Transactions protocol in order to support TransactionScope bindings
TransactionScopeProxy Represents a TransactionContext scope within an ITransactionalManager. Encapsulates the real TransactionContext, so that in reality it only exists one single TransactionContext object in a joined scope, but multiple TransactionScopeProxies that can be pushed, or popped (in a scope context).