C# (CSharp) NanoByte.Common.Storage 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AtomicWrite Provides a temporary path to write to and atomically inserts it at the destination location on disposal (if Commit was called).
CopyDirectory Copies the content of a directory to a new location preserving the original file modification times and relative Unix symlinks.
Locations Provides easy access to platform-specific common directories for storing settings and application data.
LocationsRedirect Disposable class to create a temporary directory where all Locations queries are temporarily redirected to. Useful for testing. Do not use when multi-threading is involved!
MoveDirectory Moves the content of a directory to a new location preserving the original file modification times.
TemporaryDirectory Disposable class to create a temporary directory and delete it again when disposed.
TemporaryFile Disposable class to create a temporary file and delete it again when disposed.
TemporaryWorkingDirectory Like TemporaryDirectory but also sets Environment.CurrentDirectory to TemporaryDirectory.Path.
XmlStorageTest.TestData A data-structure used to test serialization.