C# (CSharp) NVelocity.Runtime.Parser.Node 네임스페이스


이름 설명
ASTAddNode Handles integer addition of nodes Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class.
ASTAndNode Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class. *
ASTDirective This class is responsible for handling the pluggable directives in VTL. ex. #foreach() Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class.
ASTDivNode Handles integer division of nodes * Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class. *
ASTEQNode Handles the equivalence operator * == * This operator requires that the LHS and RHS are both of the same Class. *
ASTEscape This class is responsible for handling Escapes in VTL. Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class. *
ASTIdentifier ASTIdentifier.java * Method support for identifiers : $foo * mainly used by ASTRefrence * Introspection is now moved to 'just in time' or at render / execution time. There are many reasons why this has to be done, but the primary two are thread safety, to remove any context-derived information from class member variables. *
ASTMethod Method support for references : $foo.method() NOTE : introspection is now done at render time. Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class.
ASTMulNode Handles integer multiplication Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class.
ASTOrNode Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class. *
ASTReference This class is responsible for handling the references in VTL ($foo). Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class.
ASTSetDirective Node for the #set directive
ASTStringLiteral ASTStringLiteral support.
ASTSubtractNode Handles integer subtraction of nodes (in #set() ) * Please look at the Parser.jjt file which is what controls the generation of this class. *
AbstractExecutor Abstract class that is used to execute an arbitrary method that is in introspected. This is the superclass for the GetExecutor and PropertyExecutor.
BooleanPropertyExecutor Handles discovery and valuation of a boolean object property, of the form public boolean is<property> when executed. We do this separately as to preserve the current quasi-broken semantics of get<as is property> get< flip 1st char> get("property") and now followed by is<Property>
EnumValueExecutor Returned the value of object property when executed.
GetExecutor Executor that simply tries to execute a get(key) operation. This will try to find a get(key) method for any type of object, not just objects that implement the Map interface as was previously the case.
NodeUtils Utilities for dealing with the AST node structure. *
ObjectComparer ObjectComparer allows you to compare primitive types and some others using IComparable interface whenever possible, and performing type conversions to get the best possible result.