C# (CSharp) NSoft.NFramework.Numerics.Distributions.Continuous 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Beta Implements the Beta distribution. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - Beta distribution.
Cauchy The Cauchy distribution is a symmetric continuous probability distribution. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - Cauchy distribution.
Chi This class implements functionality for the Chi distribution.
This distribution is a continuous probability distribution.
The distribution usually arises when a k-dimensional vector's orthogonal components are independent and each follow a standard normal distribution. The length of the vector will then have a chi distribution.
Wikipedia - Chi distribution.
ChiSquare This class implements functionality for the ChiSquare distribution.
This distribution is a sum of the squares of k independent standard normal random variables.
Wikipedia - ChiSquare distribution.
ContinuousUniform 균일 연속 분포 The continuous uniform distribution is a distribution over real numbers. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - Continuous uniform distribution.
Erlang Erlang 연속 분포 This class implements functionality for the Erlang distribution.
This distribution is a continuous probability distribution with wide applicability primarily due to its relation to the exponential and Gamma distributions. Wikipedia - Erlang distribution.
Exponential 지수 분포 The exponential distribution is a distribution over the real numbers parameterized by one non-negative parameter. Wikipedia - exponential distribution.
FisherSnedecor Implements the FisherSnedecor distribution. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - FisherSnedecor distribution.
Gamma Implements the univariate Gamma distribution. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - Gamma distribution.
InverseGamma The inverse Gamma distribution is a distribution over the positive real numbers parameterized by two positive parameters. Wikipedia - InverseGamma distribution.
Laplace The Laplace distribution is a distribution over the real numbers parameterized by a mean and scale parameter. The PDF is: p(x) = \frac{1}{2 * scale} \exp{- |x - mean| / scale}. Wikipedia - Laplace distribution.
Normal 정규 분포. Implements the univariate Normal (or Gaussian) distribution. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - Normal distribution.
Pareto The Pareto distribution is a power law probability distribution that coincides with social, scientific, geophysical, actuarial, and many other types of observable phenomena. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - Pareto distribution.
Rayleigh The Rayleigh distribution (pronounced /ˈreɪli/) is a continuous probability distribution. As an example of how it arises, the wind speed will have a Rayleigh distribution if the components of the two-dimensional wind velocity vector are uncorrelated and normally distributed with equal variance. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - Rayleigh distribution.
Stable A random variable is said to be stable (or to have a stable distribution) if it has the property that a linear combination of two independent copies of the variable has the same distribution, up to location and scale parameters. For details about this distribution, see Wikipedia - Stable distribution.