C# (CSharp) NSoft.NFramework.FusionCharts.Powers 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CandleStick The candle stick chart from FusionCharts v3 PowerCharts suite offers your a powerful and interactive interface to plot your stock data. It offers the following features: Features: Integrated price and volume plot. Volume plot can be turned on or off. Multiple options for price plotting - Candle stick / bar / line Interactive tool tip and customizable hover bar Allows you to plot trend lines and zones on the chart Apart from trend lines and zones, you can plot any number of custom trend sets on the chart. These trend sets can be customized to show any technical indicators. You can easily provide missing data using this chart. Any particular candle can be highlighted using color combination. Vertical indicator lines can be drawn at any point on x-axis.
CandleStickCategoryElement Each category element represents an x-axis data label
CandleStickSetElement Each element (child of element) represents a set of data which is to be plotted on the chart and determines a set of data which would appear on the chart. e.g., <set open='33.35' close='33.90' high='34.10' low='33.10' volume='3435670' />
ConnectorElement Drag Node Chart 에서 Node들을 연결하는 Connector를 나타낸다.
DragNodeCategoryElement Category element for Drag Node Chart
DragNodeChart Drag-node Chart
DragNodeSetElement Drag Node Chart의 Node를 나타내는 Element 입니다.
KagiChart A type of chart developed by the Japanese in the 1870s that uses a series of vertical lines to illustrate general levels of supply and demand for certain assets. Thick lines are drawn when the price of the underlying asset breaks above the previous high price and is interpreted as an increase in demand for the asset. Thin lines are used to represent increased supply when the price falls below the previous low.
MultiAxisElement Each axis element on the multi-axis line chart represents an axis. An axis can either be visible or imaginary. Imaginary axis are the ones that do not show up on the chart, but can have data sets that adhere to the same. Visible axis can be placed either to the left or right side of canvas. For each axis, you can define a lot of properties like: It's lower and upper limits. Cosmetic properties. Number of divisional lines and their functional and cosmetic properties. Line properties for the datasets that adhere to this particular axis Number formatting properties
MultilevelCategoryElement Multi-level Pie Chart 등에서 사용하는 category 입니다. 자식으로 category를 가집니다.
MultilevelPie 조직도 등 Hierarchy를 가지는 정보를 Pie Chart 형식으로 표현할 때 사용한다.
RadarChart Radar Chart