C# (CSharp) NCldr 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
NCldr NCldr provides access to all of the data in an NCldrData object
NCldrBinaryFileDataSource NCldrBinaryFileDataSource loads/saves the raw NCLDR data from an NCldr binary data file
NCldrBsonFileDataSource NCldrBsonFileDataSource loads/saves the raw NCLDR data from an NCldr Binary JSON data file
NCldrDataSources NCldrDataSources is a collection of NCLDR Data Sources
NCldrJsonFileDataSource NCldrJsonFileDataSource loads/saves the raw NCLDR data from an NCldr JSON data file
NCldrJsonFileDataSourceBase NCldrJsonFileDataSourceBase is a base class for NewtonSoft's JSON and BSON data files
NCldrJsonFileDataSourceBase.IgnoreReadOnlyPropertiesContractResolver IgnoreReadOnlyPropertiesContractResolver is a JsonSerializer ContractResolver that ignores read-only properties
NCldrXmlFileDataSource NCldrXmlFileDataSource loads/saves the raw NCLDR data from an NCldr XML data file
ProtobufFileDataSource ProtobufFileDataSource loads/saves the raw NCLDR data from an NCldr Protocol Buffers binary data file