C# (CSharp) NArrange.Core 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
BackupUtilities Class for backing up and restoring source files. Utilizes zip archives.
ChainElementArranger Uses the chain of responsibility pattern to arrange an element using the provided ArrangedCodeBuilder.
CodeArranger Code arranger.
CodeParser Base code parser implementation.
CodeWriteVisitor Abstract code write visitor implementation.
CodeWriter Base class for writing code elements to a file.
ConsoleLogger Console logger.
DefaultElementInserter Inserts an element in the code arrangement.
ElementArranger Standard IElementArranger implementation.
ElementArrangerFactory Class for creating ElementArranger instances based on configuration information.
ElementFilter Class for determining whether or not an element matches filter criteria.
EnumUtilities Enumeration utilities.
FileArranger Class for arranging source code files.
FileArranger.ArrangeResult Arrange result.
FileFilter Class for determining whether or not a file matches filter criteria.
FileUtilities File utility methods.
GroupedInserter Grouped inserter.
MSBuildProjectParser Parses an individual MSBuild project (e.g. .csproj, .vbproj) for individual source file names.
MSBuildSolutionParser MSBuild solution file parser.
MonoDevelopProjectParser Parses an individual MonoDevelop project (e.g. .mdp) for individual source file names.
MonoDevelopSolutionParser MonoDevelop solution file parser.
MonoUtilities Utilities for working with the Mono runtime.
ParseException Exception thrown by parsers.
PeekingTextReader The peeking text editor allows infinite peeking compared to the normal text reader which only allows one character at a time.
ProjectHandler This class provides instances for handling project parsing requests based on file extension.
ProjectManager Provides project/file retrieval and storage functionality.
RegionArranger Element arranger for adding members in regions.
SolutionParser Parses a solution for individual project file names.
SortedInserter Sorted inserter.
SourceHandler This class provides instances for handling language specific requests based on file extension.
ZipUtilities Utility methods for zipping and unzipping files.