C# (CSharp) NATS.Client 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AsyncSubscription An object of this class is an asynchronous subscription representing interest in a subject. The subject can have wildcards (partial:*, full:>). Messages will be delivered to the associated MsgHandler event delegates. While nothing prevents event handlers from being added or removed while processing messages, no messages will be received until Start() has been called. This allows all event handlers to be added before message processing begins.
ConnEventArgs Event arguments for the ConnEventHandler type delegate.
Connection Represents the connection to the server.
Connection.SubChannelPool The SubChannelPool class is used when the application has specified async subscribers will share channels and associated processing threads in the connection. It simply returns a channel that already has a long running task (thread) processing it. Async subscribers use this channel in lieu of their own channel and message processing task.
Connection.SubChannelPool.SubChannelProcessor SubChannelProcessor creates a channel and a task to process messages on that channel.
Connection.TCPConnection Convenience class representing the TCP connection to prevent managing two variables throughout the NATs client code.
ConnectionFactory Creates a connection to the NATS server.
Defaults This class contains default values for fields used throughout NATS.
EncodedConnection This class subclasses the Connection class to support serialization.
EncodedMessageEventArgs Event arguments for the EncodedConnection Asynchronous Subscriber delegate.
ErrEventArgs Event arguments for the ErrorEventHandler type delegate.
Msg A NATS message is an object encapsulating a subject, optional reply payload, and subscription information, sent or received by teh client application.
MsgHandlerEventArgs This class is passed into the MsgHandler delegate, providing the message received.
NATSBadSubscriptionException The exception that is thrown when a subscriber operation is performed on an invalid subscriber.
NATSConnectionClosedException The exception that is thrown when a an operation is performed on a connection that is closed.
NATSConnectionException The exception that is thrown when there is a connection error.
NATSException The exception that is thrown when there is a NATS error condition. All NATS exception inherit from this class.
NATSMaxMessagesException The exception that is thrown when a subscriber has exceeded the maximum number of messages that has been configured.
NATSMaxPayloadException The exception that is thrown when a message payload exceeds what the maximum configured.
NATSNoServersException The exception that is thrown when a connection cannot be made to any server.
NATSProtocolException This exception that is thrown when there is an internal error with the NATS protocol.
NATSSecureConnRequiredException The exception that is thrown when a secure connection is required.
NATSSecureConnWantedException The exception that is thrown when a secure connection is requested, but not required.
NATSSlowConsumerException The exception that is thrown when a consumer (subscription) is slow.
NATSStaleConnectionException The exception that is thrown when an operation occurs on a connection that has been determined to be stale.
NATSTimeoutException The exception that is thrown when a NATS operation times out.
Options This class is used to setup all NATs client options.