C# (CSharp) Mvp.Xml.Common.XPath 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DynamicContext Provides the evaluation context for fast execution and custom variables resolution.
DynamicContext.DynamicVariable Represents a variable during dynamic expression execution.
IndexingXPathNavigator IndexingXPathNavigator enables lazy or eager indexing of any XML store (XmlDocument, XPathDocument or any other IXPathNavigable XML store) thus providing an alternative way to select nodes using XSLT key() function directly from an index table instead of searhing the XML tree. This allows drastically decrease selection time on preindexed selections.
IndexingXPathNavigator.IndexingXsltContext XsltContext providing key() extension function.
IndexingXPathNavigator.KeyDef Compilable key definition.
IndexingXPathNavigator.KeyExtensionFunction key() extension function implementation.
IndexingXPathNavigator.XPathNavigatorIndex Index table for XPathNavigator.
IndexingXPathNavigator.XPathNavigatorIndexManager Index manager. Manages collection of named indexes.
XPathCache Implements a cache of XPath queries, for faster execution.
XPathDocumentWriter XmlWriter that can produce an XPathDocument without the need to parse XML.
XPathNavigatorIterator An XPathNodeIterator that allows arbitrary addition of the XPathNavigator nodes that belong to the set.
XPathVariable Represents a variable to use in dynamic XPath expression queries.