C# (CSharp) Mosa.Platform.x86.Instructions 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Adc Representations the x86 adc instruction.
Addsd Intermediate representation of the SSE addition instruction.
Addss Intermediate representation of the SSE addition instruction.
And Representations the x86 and instruction.
Branch Representation a x86 branch instruction.
Btr Representations the x86 Btr instruction.
Bts Representations the x86 Bts instruction.
Call Representations the x86 call instruction.
Cdq Representations the x86 cdq instruction.
Cld Representations the x86 cld instruction.
Cli Representations the x86 cli instruction.
Cmovcc Representation a x86 Cmov instruction.
Cmp Representations the x86 cmp instruction.
CmpXchgLoad Representations the x86 compare-exchange instruction.
Comisd Intermediate representation for the x86 comisd instruction.
Comiss Intermediate representation for the x86 comisd instruction.
CpuId Representations the x86 CPUID instruction.
Cvtsd2ss Intermediate representation for the x86 cvtsd2ss instruction.
Cvtsi2sd Representations the x86 cvtsi2sd instruction.
Cvtsi2ss Representations the x86 cvtsi2ss instruction.
Cvtss2sd Intermediate representation for the x86 cvtsd2ss instruction.
Cvttsd2si Intermediate representation for the x86 cvtsd2ss instruction.
Cvttss2si Intermediate representation for the x86 cvtsd2ss instruction.
Dec Representations the x86 int instruction.
Div Intermediate representation of the div instruction.
Divsd Intermediate representation of the SSE division instruction.
Divss Intermediate representation of the SSE division instruction.
FarJmp Representation the x86 jump instruction.
Hlt Representations the x86 hlt instruction.
IDiv Intermediate representation of the idiv instruction.
IMul Intermediate representation of the mul instruction.
IRetd Representations the x86 iretd instruction.
In Representations the x86 in instruction.
Inc Representations the x86 inc instruction.
Int Representations the x86 int instruction.
Invlpg Representations the x86 Invlpg instruction.
Jmp Representation the x86 jump instruction.
Lgdt Representations the x86 Lgdt instruction.
Lidt Representations the x86 Lidt instruction.
Lock Representations the x86 lock instruction.
Mov Representations the x86 mov instruction.
MovCR Representations the x86 movCR instruction.
MovLoad Representations the x86 MovLoad instruction.
MovStore Representations the x86 MovStore instruction.
Movaps Representations the x86 movaps instruction.
MovapsLoad Representations the x86 MovapsLoad instruction.
Movd Representations the x86 Movd instruction.
Movsd Representations the x86 movsd instruction.
MovsdLoad Representations the x86 MovsdLoad instruction.
MovsdStore Representations the x86 MovsdStore instruction.
Movss Representations the x86 movss instruction.
MovssLoad Representations the x86 MovssLoad instruction.
MovssStore Representations the x86 MovsdStore instruction.
Movsx Representations the x86 Movsx instruction.
MovsxLoad Representations the x86 MovsxLoad instruction.
Movups Representations the x86 movaps instruction.
MovupsStore Representations the x86 MovupsStore instruction.
Movzx Representations the x86 Movzx instruction.
MovzxLoad Representations the x86 MovzxLoad instruction.
Mul Intermediate representation of the mul instruction.
Mulsd Intermediate representation of the SSE multiplication operation.
Mulss Intermediate representation of the SSE multiplication operation.
Neg Representations the x86 neg instruction.
Not Intermediate representation of the x86 not instruction.
Or Representations the x86 or instruction.
Out Representations the x86 out instruction.
PXor Representations the x86 pxor instruction.
Pause Representations the x86 pause instruction.
Pextrd Representations the x86 Pextrd instruction.
Pop Representations the x86 pop instruction.
Popad Representations the x86 popad instruction.
Popfd Representations the x86 popfd instruction.
Push Representations the x86 push instruction.
Pushad Representations the x86 cli instruction.
Pushfd Representations the x86 pushfd instruction.
Rcr Representations the x86 rotate right instruction.
Rdmsr Representations the x86 rdmsr instruction.
Rdpmc Representations the x86 rdpmc instruction.
Rdtsc Representations the x86 pause instruction.
Rep Representations the x86 rep instruction.
Sar Intermediate representation of the arithmetic shift right instruction.
Sbb Representations the x86 sbb instruction.
Setcc Representations the x86 setcc instruction.
Shl Representations the x86 shift left instruction.
Shr Representations the x86 shift right instruction.
Shrd Representations the x86 shrd instruction.
Sti Representations the x86 sti instruction.
Stos Representations of the x86 stos instruction.
Sub Intermediate representation of the sub instruction.
Subsd Intermediate representation of an SSE based subtraction instruction.
Subss Intermediate representation of an SSE based subtraction instruction.
Test Representations the x86 cmp instruction.
TwoOperandInstruction Abstract base class for x86 instructions with two operands.
Ucomisd Intermediate representation for the x86 ucomisd instruction.
Ucomiss Intermediate representation for the x86 ucomiss instruction.
Xchg Representations the x86 xchg instruction.
Xor Representations the x86 xor instruction.