이름 |
설명 |
ConnectedInstanceCollection |
Maintains a sorted list of connected instances by ping time. |
ConnectedInstanceCollection.InstanceWithPingTime |
DirectMongoServerProxy |
Connects directly to a specified instance, failing over to other addresses as necessary. |
DiscoveringMongoServerProxy |
A proxy that dynamically discovers the type of server it is connecting to. |
IndexCache |
Represents a cache of the names of indexes that are known to exist on a given server. |
IndexCacheKey |
MongoConnectionPool |
Represents a pool of connections to a MongoDB server. |
MongoConnectionPool.AcquireConnectionOptions |
MongoDeleteMessage |
MongoGetMoreMessage |
MongoInsertMessage |
MongoKillCursorsMessage |
MongoMessage |
MongoQueryMessage |
MongoRequestMessage |
MongoServerProxyFactory |
Creates a MongoServerInstanceManager based on the settings. |
MongoUpdateMessage |
MultipleInstanceMongoServerProxy |
Base class for proxies that maintain multiple server instances. |
PingTimeAggregator |
Holds the ping times and a rolling calculated average. This class is thread-safe. |
ReplicaSetMongoServerProxy |
Proxy for connecting to a replica set. |
ShardedMongoServerProxy |
Connects to a number of mongos' and distributes load based on ping times. |