C# (CSharp) ModernApp4Me.Universal.WebService 네임스페이스


이름 설명
M4MWebServiceCaller A basis class for making web service calls easier which uses RestSharp.Portable on Windows Phone. When invoking an HTTP method, the caller goes through the following workflow: The M4MWebServiceCaller.ExecuteHttpRequest methods is invoked : if the response HttpStatusCode is OK, the body is returned ad a string. if the HttpStatusCode is not OK, the private method M4MWebServiceCaller.OnHttpStatusCodeNotOk is invoked. if the HttpStatusCode is NotFound and the NetworkInformation.GetInternetConnectionProfile().GetNetworkConnectivityLevel() is equals to NetworkConnectivityLevel.None, a M4MConnectivityException is thrown. Otherwife, a M4MCallException is thrown.