C# (CSharp) Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Dialogs.Controls 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CommonFileDialogComboBox Creates the ComboBox controls in the Common File Dialog.
CommonFileDialogComboBoxItem Creates a ComboBoxItem for the Common File Dialog.
CommonFileDialogGroupBox Represents a group box control for the Common File Dialog.
CommonFileDialogMenu Defines the menu controls for the Common File Dialog.
CommonFileDialogMenuItem Creates the CommonFileDialogMenuItem items for the Common File Dialog.
CommonFileDialogProminentControl Defines the properties and constructors for all prominent controls in the Common File Dialog.
CommonFileDialogRadioButtonList Represents a radio button list for the Common File Dialog.
CommonFileDialogRadioButtonListItem Represents a list item for the CommonFileDialogRadioButtonList object.
CommonFileDialogSeparator Defines the class for the simplest separator controls.