이름 |
설명 |
BackTabKeyCommandArgs |
CodeCleanUpCommandArgs |
CopyCommandArgs |
CopyToInteractiveCommandArgs |
CutCommandArgs |
DeleteKeyCommandArgs |
DocumentEndCommandArgs |
EncapsulateFieldCommandArgs |
FindNextCommandArgs |
FindPreviousLikeSelectionCommandArgs |
GoToContainingDeclarationCommandArgs |
HideFindCommandArgs |
HideReplaceCommandArgs |
IncrementLastSecondaryCaretCommandArgs |
This command refers to the gesture which takes the last secondary caret as defined in RemoveLastSecondaryCaretCommandArgs, and moving it to the location where a caret would be added by InsertNextMatchingCaretCommandArgs. This command is only available if there are already multiple carets. |
InvokeCompletionListCommandArgs |
LineEndCommandArgs |
LineEndExtendCommandArgs |
MoveSelectedLinesUpCommandArgs |
OpenLineAboveCommandArgs |
OutlineCollapseToDefinitionsCommandArgs |
OutlineStopHidingCurrentCommandArgs |
PageDownKeyCommandArgs |
PageUpKeyCommandArgs |
PasteCommandArgs |
ReorderParametersCommandArgs |
ReplaceAllCommandArgs |
ReplaceCommandArgs |
ReplaceNextCommandArgs |
ReturnKeyCommandArgs |
RotatePrimaryCaretNextCommandArgs |
This command refers to the gesture to change the primary caret to the next caret in the document, and make that visible to the user. |
SaveCommandArgs |
SetSearchStringFromSelectionCommandArgs |
StartAutomaticOutliningCommandArgs |
TabKeyCommandArgs |
ToggleAllOutliningCommandArgs |
ToggleBlockCommentCommandArgs |
ToggleOutliningEnabledCommandArgs |
ToggleOutliningExpansionCommandArgs |
ToggleUseRegularExpressionsCommandArgs |
UncollapseTagCommandArgs |
UncommentSelectionCommandArgs |
UndoCommandArgs |
UpKeyCommandArgs |
ViewCallHierarchyCommandArgs |