이름 |
설명 |
ActiveConfigurationChangedEventArgs |
Defines the event args for the active configuration change event. |
AfterProjectFileOpenedEventArgs |
AssemblyReferenceNode |
AutomationBrowsableAttribute |
AvailableFileBuildActionConverter |
BeforeProjectFileClosedEventArgs |
BuildDependency |
BuildPropertyPage |
BuildStatus |
Provides information about the current build status. |
BuildableProjectConfig |
CciTracing |
ComReferenceNode |
ComReferenceProperties |
ConfigProvider |
CopyToOutputDirectoryBehaviorConverter |
DataCacheEntry |
DataObject |
Unfortunately System.Windows.Forms.IDataObject and Microsoft.VisualStudio.OLE.Interop.IDataObject are different... |
DebugModeConverter |
DefaultSortOrderNode |
A set of constants that specify the default sort order for different types of hierarchy nodes. |
DeleteToken |
Storage classes for token to be deleted |
DependentFileNode |
DependentFileNodeProperties |
DesignPropertyDescriptor |
The purpose of DesignPropertyDescriptor is to allow us to customize the display name of the property in the property grid. None of the CLR implementations of PropertyDescriptor allow you to change the DisplayName. |
DesignTimeAssemblyResolution |
DesignTimeAssemblyResolution.MockEngine |
Engine required by RAR, primarily for collecting logs |
DesignTimeAssemblyResolution.RarInputs |
Accesssor for RAR related properties in the projectInstance. See ResolveAssemblyReferennce task msdn docs for member descriptions |
DocumentManager |
DragDropHelper |
EnumConnectionPoints |
EnumDependencies |
ExternDll |
FileChangeManager |
This object is in charge of reloading nodes that have file monikers that can be listened to changes |
FileChangeManager.ObservedItemInfo |
Defines a data structure that can link a item moniker to the item and its file change cookie. |
FileChangedOnDiskEventArgs |
Event args class for triggering file change event arguments. |
FileDocumentManager |
FileNode |
FileNodeProperties |
FolderNode |
FolderNodeProperties |
FrameworkNameConverter |
HierarchyNodeEventArgs |
This class is used for the events raised by a HierarchyNode object. |
IDEBuildLogger |
IDEBuildLogger.NavigableErrorTask |
IDEBuildLogger.OutputQueueEntry |
IdeBuildLogger |
This class implements an MSBuild logger that output events to VS outputwindow and tasklist. |
ImageHandler |
LocDisplayNameAttribute |
LocalizableProperties |
MSBuildGeneratedItemType |
MSBuildTarget |
Defines the constant strings for various msbuild targets |
MsBuildGeneratedItemType |
MsBuildTarget |
NativeMethods |
NativeMethods.NMHDR |
NestedProjectBuildDependency |
Used for adding a build dependency to nested project (not a real project reference) |
NestedProjectNode |
NodeProperties |
OleServiceProvider |
OleServiceProvider.ServiceData |
Output |
OutputGroup |
OutputTypeConverter |
ProjectConfig |
ProjectConfigProperties |
ProjectContainerNode |
ProjectDesignerDocumentManager |
ProjectDocumentsListener |
ProjectElement |
This class represent a project item (usualy a file) and allow getting and setting attribute on it. This class allow us to keep the internal details of our items hidden from our derived classes. While the class itself is public so it can be manipulated by derived classes, its internal constructors make sure it can only be created from within the assembly. |
ProjectFactory |
ProjectFileAttributeValue |
ProjectFileClosingEventArgs |
ProjectFileConstants |
ProjectFileOpenedEventArgs |
ProjectFileValues |
ProjectNode |
ProjectNodeProperties |
ProjectOptions |
ProjectPackage |
ProjectPropertyChangedArgs |
ProjectReferenceNode |
ProjectReferencesProperties |
PropertiesEditorLauncher |
PropertyPageTypeConverterAttribute |
ReferenceContainerNode |
ReferenceNode |
ReferenceNodeProperties |
RegisteredProjectType |
Gets registry settings from for a project. |
ReplaceBetweenPairToken |
Storage classes for string to be deleted between tokens to be deleted |
ReplacePairToken |
Storage classes for replacement tokens |
SR |
SRCategoryAttribute |
SRDescriptionAttribute |
SafeGlobalAllocHandle |
SelectionListener |
SettingsPage |
SingleFileGenerator |
Provides support for single file generator. |
SingleFileGeneratorFactory |
Provides implementation IVsSingleFileGeneratorFactory for |
SingleFileGeneratorFactory.GeneratorMetaData |
SingleFileGeneratorNodeExtenderProperties |
SingleFileGeneratorNodeExtenderProvider |
SingleFileGeneratorNodeProperties |
SolutionListener |
SolutionListenerForBuildDependencyUpdate |
The purpose of this class is to set a build dependency from a modeling project to all its sub projects |
SolutionListenerForProjectEvents |
This class triggers the project events for "our" hierrachies. |
SolutionListenerForProjectOpen |
SolutionListenerForProjectReferenceUpdate |
SuspendFileChanges |
helper to make the editor ignore external changes |
TokenProcessor |
TrackDocumentsHelper |
Used by a project to query the environment for permission to add, remove, or rename a file or directory in a solution |
UIHierarchyUtilities |
UnsafeNativeMethods |
UpdateSolutionEventsListener |
VsUtilities |