이름 |
설명 |
AddSourceCommand |
ClearSourceCommand |
EditPackageCommand |
EditPackageCommandTests |
ExportPatchXmlCommand |
ExportPatchXmlCommandTests |
GetComponentCommand |
GetComponentCommand.Parameters |
Collects parameters for processing. |
GetComponentCommandTest |
GetComponentStateFunctionTests |
GetFeatureCommand |
GetFeatureCommandTest |
GetFileHashCommand |
GetFileHashCommandTest |
GetFileTypeCommand |
GetFileTypeCommandTest |
GetPatchCommand |
GetPatchCommand.Parameters |
Collects parameters for processing. |
GetPatchCommandTest |
GetPatchSequenceCommand |
GetPatchSequenceCommandTests |
GetProductCommand |
GetProductCommand.Parameters |
Collects parameters for processing. |
GetProductCommandTest |
GetPropertyCommand |
GetPropertyCommandTests |
GetRelatedProductCommand |
GetRelatedProductCommandTest |
GetSourceCommand |
GetSourceCommandTests |
GetSummaryInfoCommand |
GetSummaryInfoCommandTests |
GetTableCommand |
GetTableCommandTests |
InstallCommandActionDataTests |
InstallPatchActionData |
The data for actions to install patches. |
InstallProductActionData |
The data for actions to repair a package or product. |
InstallProductActionDataTests |
InstallScenarioTests |
ItemCommandBase |
Base class for cmdlets which process items. |
LoggingPolicyCommandBase |
Base class for Windows Installer logging cmdlets. |
MeasureProductCommandTests |
PackageCommandBase |
Base class for cmdlets that process Windows Installer database packages. |
ParameterSet |
Helps avoid misspellings throughout the code. |
RemoveLoggingPolicyCommand |
RemoveLoggingPolicyCommandTests |
RemoveSourceCommand |
RepairProductActionDataTests |
SetLoggingPolicyCommand |
SetLoggingPolicyCommandTests |
SourceCommandTests |
SourcePathCommandBase |
TestProductCommand |
TestProductCommand.Data |
TestProductCommandTests |