C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Protocols.TestTools.StackSdk.BranchCache.Pccrr 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BLOCK_RANGE A BLOCK_RANGE is an array of two integers that defines a consecutive array of blocks.
EncodedSegmentAge An ENCODED_SEGMENT_AGE is an array of four bytes that describes the age of a segment of data involved in a Peer Content Caching and Retrieval: Retrieval Protocol message exchange. The age refers to the amount of time that has elapsed since the specified segment was first created in the local BranchCache cache.
ExtensibleBlobVersion1 The Extensible Blob Version 1 MUST be formatted as follows.
MESSAGE_HEADER All Retrieval Protocol messages are prefixed by a message header.Messages can be one of two types: request-type or response-type. Request-type messages initiate a communication session between two peers. Response-type messages are sent only on response to a Request-type one (see Protocol Details section for more details).A request-type message can be delivered only as an HTTP request. A response-type message can be delivered only as an HTTP response to an incoming HTTP request.The layout of the message header is as follows.
MSG_GETBLKLIST The GetBlockList message contains a request for a download block list. It is used when retrieving a set of blocks defined by one or more BLOCK_ARRAY_RANGE items.
MSG_GETBLKS The GetBlocks message contains a request for blocks of content. It is used to retrieve a set of blocks defined by a single BLOCK_ARRAY_RANGE.
MSG_GETSEGLIST The MSG_GETSEGLIST (GetSegmentList) message contains a request for a download segment list. It is used when retrieving a set of segments.
MSG_NEGO_REQ The Negotiation Request message is a request for the minimum and maximum protocol version supported by the target server-role peer. The message contains the minimum and maximum protocol version supported by the requesting client-role peer.
MSG_NEGO_RESP The Negotiation Response message is the response message containing the minimum and maximum protocol version supported by the responding server-role peer. The message is sent in response to a Negotiation Request message or to any other request message with a protocol version not supported by the server-role peer.
MSG_SEGLIST The MSG_SEGLIST message is the response message containing the segment range array describing the segments currently available for download. This message is sent by the server-role peer in response to a MSG_GETSEGLIST message from a requesting client-role peer.
MarshalHelper This class is used to marshal simple types.
PccrrBLKLISTResponsePacket The PccrrBLKLISTResponsePacket is sent by the server.
PccrrBLKResponsePacket The PccrrBLKResponsePacket is sent by the server.
PccrrClient Pccrr client.
PccrrGETBLKLISTRequestPacket The PccrrGETBLKLISTRequestPacket is sent by the client.
PccrrGETBLKSRequestPacket The PccrrGETBLKSRequestPacket is sent by the client.
PccrrGetSegListRequestPacket The MSG_GETSEGLIST (GetSegmentList) message contains a request for a download segment list. It is used when retrieving a set of segments.
PccrrNegoRequestPacket The PccrrNegoRequestPacket is sent by the client.
PccrrNegoResponsePacket The PccrrNegoResponsePacket is sent by the server.
PccrrPacket This is the abstract class.
PccrrSegListResponsePacket The MSG_SEGLIST message is the response message containing the segment range array describing the segments currently available for download. This message is sent by the server-role peer in response to a MSG_GETSEGLIST message from a requesting client-role peer.
PccrrServer Pccrr server.
PccrrUtitlity Utitlity of pccrr.
ProtoVersion The protocol version.
REQUEST_MESSAGE The complete layout of a Request type Retrieval Protocol Message sent over HTTP is as follows.
RESPONSE_MESSAGE The complete layout of a Response type Download Protocol Message sent over HTTP is:
TRANSPORT_RESPONSE_HEADER The transport adds the following header in front of response-type protocol messages: