이름 |
설명 |
BindRegionContextToDependencyObjectBehavior |
Defines a behavior that forwards the RegionManager.RegionContextProperty to the views in the region. |
ClearChildViewsRegionBehavior |
Behavior that removes the RegionManager attached property of all the views in a region once the RegionManager property of a region becomes null. This is useful when removing views with nested regions, to ensure these nested regions get removed from the RegionManager as well. This behavior does not apply by default. In order to activate it, the ClearChildViews attached property must be set to True in the view containing the affected child regions. |
DelayedRegionCreationBehavior |
Behavior that creates a new IRegion, when the control that will host the IRegion (see TargetElement) is added to the VisualTree. This behavior will use the RegionAdapterMappings class to find the right type of adapter to create the region. After the region is created, this behavior will detach. |
RegionActiveAwareBehavior |
Behavior that monitors a IRegion object and changes the value for the IActiveAware.IsActive property when an object that implements IActiveAware gets added or removed from the collection. |
RegionManagerRegistrationBehavior |
Subscribes to a static event from the RegionManager in order to register the target IRegion in a IRegionManager when one is available on the host control by walking up the tree and finding a control whose RegionManager.RegionManagerProperty property is not . |
SelectorItemsSourceSyncBehavior |
Defines the attached behavior that keeps the items of the Selector host control in synchronization with the IRegion. This behavior also makes sure that, if you activate a view in a region, the SelectedItem is set. If you set the SelectedItem or SelectedItems (ListBox) then this behavior will also call Activate on the selected items. When calling Activate on a view, you can only select a single active view at a time. By setting the SelectedItems property of a listbox, you can set multiple views to active. |
SyncRegionContextWithHostBehavior |
Behavior that synchronizes the IRegion.Context property of a IRegion with the control that hosts the Region. It does this by setting the RegionManager.RegionContextProperty Dependency Property on the host control. This behavior allows the usage of two way databinding of the RegionContext from XAML. |