C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Practices.Prism.Modularity 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AssemblyResolver Handles AppDomain's AssemblyResolve event to be able to load assemblies dynamically in the LoadFrom context, but be able to reference the type from assemblies loaded in the Load context.
FileModuleTypeLoader Loads modules from an arbitrary location on the filesystem. This typeloader is only called if ModuleInfo classes have a Ref parameter that starts with "file://". This class is only used on the Desktop version of the Composite Application Library.
LoadModuleCompletedEventArgs Provides completion information after a module is loaded, or fails to load.
ModuleDependencySolver Used by ModuleInitializer to get the load sequence for the modules to load according to their dependencies.
ModuleDownloadProgressChangedEventArgs Provides progress information as a module downloads.
ModuleInfoGroupExtensions Defines extension methods for the ModuleInfoGroup class.
ModuleInitializeException Exception thrown by IModuleInitializer implementations whenever a module fails to load.
ModuleInitializer Implements the IModuleInitializer interface. Handles loading of a module based on a type.
ModuleManager Component responsible for coordinating the modules' type loading and module initialization process.
ModuleTypeLoadingException Exception thrown by IModuleManager implementations whenever a module fails to retrieve.