C# (CSharp) Microsoft.PowerBI.Api.V1.Models 네임스페이스


이름 설명
BasicCredentials Object representing basic authentication credentials
Column A Power BI Column
Dataset A Power BI Dataset
Datasource A Power BI datasource
GatewayDatasource A Power BI gateway datasource
Import The import object
ImportInfo The import info
ODataResponseListDataset A dataset odata list wrapper
ODataResponseListDatasource Odata response wrapper for a Power BI datasource collection
ODataResponseListGatewayDatasource Odata response wrapper for a Power BI Gateway datasource collection
ODataResponseListImport Odata response wrapper for a Power BI Import collection
ODataResponseListReport Odata response wrapper for a Power BI Report collection
ODataResponseListTable Odata response wrapper for a Power BI Table collection
ODataResponseListWorkspace Odata response wrapper for a Power BI Workspace list
Report A Power BI Report
Row A Power BI data row
Table A dataset table
Workspace A Power BI Workspace