C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Legal.MatterCenter.Models 네임스페이스


이름 설명
AreaTerm Provides the structure required for area of law term. It includes area of law, practice group, id , wssid and list of sub area of law.
AttachmentDetails Provides the structure for mail attachment details. It includes MIME type, content type, attachment name, and size.
Client Provides the structure required to hold client meta-data. It includes client unique ID, client name, and client URL.
ClientTermSets Provides the structure required for client term set. It includes term set name and list of terms under the term set.
Conflict Provides the structure required to hold matter conflict meta-data. It includes user who performed the conflict check, the conflict check date, and security of matter from external users.
ContentCheckDetails Provides the structure required for performing content check.
ContextHelpData Provides the structure required to store content for contextual help functionality.
ContextHelpSection Provides the structure required to store content for contextual help sections.
DateFilterObject Provides the structure required for storing date filter.
DocumentData Represents a legal document. Provides the structure required to hold pinned document meta-data. It includes document name, version, created date, modified date, matter details for document, and client details for document.
DuplicateDocument Provides the structure required for checking if document already exists.
ErrorResponse ErrorResponse object that will be sent to the client for all the errors that are generated in the service
ExternalSharingRequest Provides the structure required to hold external sharing information. It includes the person name with whom the information is getting share, his role, his permission etc.
FilterObject Provides the structure required for filtering matters/documents. It includes list of clients, practice group, area of law, sub area of law, from date, to date, and document author.
FolderData Provides the structure for folder hierarchy within matter.
MailMetaData Provides the structure to hold mail meta data
MailXPath Provides the structure required for mail XML response
Matter Provides the structure required to hold matter meta-data. It includes matter ID, name, description, conflict details, allowed teams, blocked users, permissions, and content type.
MatterConfigurations Represents configuration for the matter. Holds value for various entities on the Matter Provision page
MatterData Represents a legal matter. Provides the structure required to hold pinned matter meta-data. It includes name, description, created date, URL, practice group, area of law, sub area of law, client ID, and client name.
MatterDetails Provides the structure required to hold additional matter meta-data. It includes matter practice group, area of law, sub area of law, responsible attorney, team members, and blocked users.
MatterMetadata Provides the structure required to hold additional matter meta-data for default values from term store. It includes term store information for matter, client, practice group, area of law and sub area of law.
MatterProvisionFlags Provides the structure required to hold flag values
MatterStampedDetails Provides the structure required to hold matter property bag information (stamped properties).
PeoplePickerUser Provides the structure required to hold user meta-data retrieved from client people picker web service.
PinUnpinDetails Provides the structure required for pin/unpin operation performed on matter/document. Meta-data includes the list name, list column, URL, and matter/document details.
PracticeGroupTerm Provides the structure required for practice group term set. It includes the practice group, client term set, folders, id , wssid, and list of area team under practice group.
Role Provides the structure required to hold role meta-data. It includes role ID, name, and flag indicating whether role is mandatory or not.
SearchObject Provides the structure required for searching matters/documents. It includes page number, search keyword, filter conditions, sort conditions, and numbers of items to be shown on page.
ServiceRequest Provides the structure of mail/attachment mainly EWS URL, folder location, document library, and flag to overwrite.
SortObject Provides the structure required for sorting matters/documents. It includes sortable property and sorting direction.
SubareaTerm Provides the structure required for sub area of law term. It includes sub area of law, area of law, folders, folder structure flag, id , wssid and document template.
TermSets Provides the structure required for generic term sets. It includes the term set name and list of practice group under that term set.
TermStoreDetails Provides the structure required to hold term store meta-data. It includes term group, term set, and additional custom property.
TermStoreViewModel This is a view mode object that will be passed by the client to the service for getting the taxonomy hierarchy and this is used in taxonomy controller
Users Provides the structure required to hold user meta-data. It includes user ID, name/alias, logged-in user name, and email.