이름 |
설명 |
AndroidStudioConverter |
Converts an xml log file of the Android Studio format into the SARIF format |
AndroidStudioConverterTests |
AndroidStudioConverterTests.LocationInfo |
AndroidStudioProblem |
A Problem element from an Android Studio file. |
AndroidStudioProblem.Builder |
A builder type to make it easier to construct AndroidStudioProblem objects. |
AndroidStudioProblemTests |
AndroidStudioStrings |
Strings used for parsing Android Studio logs. |
AndroidStudioStringsTests |
ClangAnalyzerConverter |
ClangAnalyzerConverter.ClangSchemaStrings |
ClangAnalyzerConverterTests |
ConverterResources |
CppCheckConverter |
CppCheckConverterTests |
CppCheckError |
An error reported by CppCheck. |
CppCheckErrorTests |
CppCheckLocationTests |
CppCheckStrings |
String constants for CppCheck from an XmlNameTable. |
CppCheckStringsTests |
Extensions |
FileInfoFactory |
FortifyConverter |
FortifyConverterTests |
FortifyConverterTests.Builder |
FortifyIssue |
A Fortify result element. |
FortifyIssueTests |
FortifyPathElement |
A Fortify path element structure, which serves as a location identifier. This type is typically used to represent result locations, datapath sources, and datapath sinks. |
FortifyPathElementTests |
FortifyStrings |
Strings from the Fortify XSD used for parsing Fortify logs. |
FortifyStringsTests |
FxCopConverter |
Converts FxCop report files to sarif format |
FxCopConverterTests |
FxCopLogReader |
Pluggable FxCop log reader |
FxCopLogReader.Context |
Current context of the result |
FxCopLogReader.SchemaStrings |
FxCop xml elements and attributes |
FxCopLogReaderTests |
FxCopLogReader_ContextTests |
FxCopTestData |
Ref |
A class that makes atomized string reference comparison easier. Stolen (slightly modified) from http://referencesource.microsoft.com/#System.Xml/System/Xml/Ref.cs. |
SarifConverterTests |
SemmleConverter |
Converts a log file from the Semmle format to the SARIF format. |
SparseReader |
A Fast XML Reader that reads only the requested entities and uses delegates to create objects along the way |
StaticDriverVerifierConverter |
TestHelper |
ToolFileConverterBase |
Base class for tool file converters. Encapsulates the common logic for populating the logicalLocations dictionary. |
ToolFileConverterBaseTests |
ToolFileConverterBaseTests.LogicalLocationTestConverter |