C# (CSharp) Microsoft.Azure.IoTSolutions.DeviceSimulation.Services.Exceptions 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DeviceAuthFailedException This exception is thrown when a client attempts to connect and IoT Hub refuses the connection due to incorrect credentials.
InvalidConfigurationException This exception is thrown when the service is configured incorrectly. In order to recover, the service owner should fix the configuration and re-deploy the service.
InvalidIotHubConnectionStringFormatException This exception is thrown when the IoTHub connection string provided is not properly formatted. The correct format is: HostName=[hubname];SharedAccessKeyName=[iothubowner or service];SharedAccessKey=[null or valid key]
PropertySendException This exception is thrown when unable to send device twin reported properties
TelemetrySendException This exception is thrown when a device failed sending messages to IoTHub.