C# (CSharp) MS.Internal.MilCodeGen.ResourceModel 네임스페이스


이름 설명
DiscreteKeyFrameTemplate DiscreteKeyFrameTemplate: This class represents one instantiation of the DiscreteKeyFrame template. Due to a limitation of the build system, DiscreteKeyFrame classes are coalesced into one file per module.
EasingKeyFrameTemplate EasingKeyFrameTemplate: This class represents one instantiation of the EasingKeyFrame template. Due to a limitation of the build system, EasingKeyFrame classes are coalesced into one file per module.
SplineKeyFrameTemplate.Spline This class is used as part of a [[instance.TypeName]]KeyFrameCollection in conjunction with a KeyFrame[[instance.TypeName]]Animation to animate a [[instance.TypeName]] property value along a set of key frames. This [[instance.TypeName]]KeyFrame interpolates between the [[instance.TypeName]] Value of the previous key frame and its own Value to produce its output value.