이름 |
설명 |
ctts |
An empty composition-time-to-sample box. |
dinf |
Data information box. This generates the bare minimum for sending to IIS. |
ftyp |
Root level File Type box. Sibling of moov, moof, mdat, mvex and mfra |
hdlr |
Handler reference box |
mdhd |
mdia |
mehd |
overall duration of movie. |
minf |
Media info container box. |
moov |
Root level media format box. Sibling of ftyp, moof, mdat, mvex and mfra |
mvex |
Root level fragment signalling box. Sibling of ftyp, moof, mdat and mfra |
mvhd |
smhd |
stbl |
Container for 'stsd', 'stts' and 'ctts' |
stsd_h264 |
An attempt to create a simple, minimal stds and children to demark an H.264 stream to IIS. Fingers crossed, it might work. |
stsd_mp3 |
An attempt to create a simple, minimal stds and children to demark an MP3 stream to IIS. Fingers crossed, it might work. |
stts |
An empty time-to-sample box. |
tkhd |
trak |
Container for track meta-data |
trex |
vmhd |