C# (CSharp) LinFu.AOP.Cecil 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AddMethodReplacementImplementation Represents an instruction emitter that adds method body replacement support to a given method body.
AddOriginalInstructions Represents an instruction emitter that adds the original method instructions to a given method body.
AssemblyDefinitionExtensions A class that extends AssemblyDefinition instances.
BaseMethodRewriter Represents the basic implementation of a method rewriter class.
CatchAllThrownExceptions Represents a method rewriter that modifies a method body to support dynamic exception handling.
EmitBeforeInvoke Represents a type that emits the call to the IBeforeInvoke instance.
ExceptionHandlerInfo Represents a class that describes the context of a thrown exception.
FieldFilterAdapter Represents an adapter class that maps a functor to an IFieldFilter instance.
GetAroundInvokeProvider Represents a class that emits the call to obtain the IAroundInvokeProvider instance.
GetClassMethodReplacementProvider Represents a class that emits the instructions that obtain a class-level IMethodReplacementProvider instance.
GetInterceptionDisabled Represents a class that emits the instructions that determine whether or not method interception is disabled.
GetMethodReplacementProvider Represents a class that emits the instructions that obtain an instance-level IMethodReplacementProvider instance.
GetSurroundingClassImplementation Represents a class that emits the instructions that obtain the IAroundInvoke instance.
GetSurroundingImplementationInstance Represents a class that emits the instructions that obtain the current IAroundInvoke instance.
ImplementFieldInterceptionHostWeaver Represents a type weaver that modifies types to implement the IFieldInterceptionHost interface.
InstructionProvider Represents the default implementation of the IInstructionProvider class.
InterceptAndSurroundMethodBody Represents a method body rewriter that surrounds a method body with the necessary prolog and epilogs that enable method body interception.
InterceptFieldAccess Represents a MethodRewriter that intercepts calls to field getters and setters and redirects those calls to a IFieldInterceptor instance.
InterceptMethodBody Represents a method rewriter type that adds interception capabilities to any given method body.
InvokeMethodReplacement Represents a class that emits the instructions that call the method replacement instead of the original method body.
MethodBodyRewriterParameters Represents the parameters used to add interception to a given method body.
MethodCallFilterAdapter Represents a type that converts functors into method call filter instances.
MethodRewriter Provides the basic functionality for the IMethodRewriter interface.
MethodWeaver Represents the default implementation of the IMethodWeaver interface.
NewInstanceInterceptionAdapter Represents an adapter class that maps INewInstanceFilter instances to functors.
SaveReturnValue Represents an instruction emitter that saves the return value from a given method call.
TypeWeaverVisitor Represents a visitor class that can iterate over TypeDefinition instances.