C# (CSharp) LibiadaCore.Misc.Iterators 네임스페이스


이름 설명
CustomIterator The custom iterator.
CutRule The cut rule for chain. Contains start and end positions for all subsequences.
CutRuleIterator The cut rule iterator.
CutRuleWithFixedStart The from fix start cut rule.
CutRuleWithShiftedAndFixedStart Cut rule with fixed and shifted start.
DefaultCutRule Cut rule with default starts and ends.
DiffCutter Class that cut the string into substrings using provided cut rule.
IteratorBase Abstract chain iterator.
IteratorEnd Iterator that moves from the end of chain to its beginning.
IteratorSimpleStart Iterator that goes from start of the chain and reading one element at a time.
IteratorStart Iterator that goes from start of the chain.
IteratorWritableEnd Iterator tat moves from the end of chain to its beginning. Is able to write values into chain.
SimpleCutRule A simple cut rule.
SimpleCutRuleWithShiftedStart The simple cut rule with shifted start.