C# (CSharp) LibNoise.Filter 네임스페이스


이름 설명
Billow Noise module that outputs three-dimensional "billowy" noise Hit snoise is also known as Turbulence fBM and generates "billowy" noise suitable for clouds and rocks. This noise module is nearly identical to SumFractal except this noise module modifies each octave with an absolute-value function. Optionally, a scaling factor and a bias addition can be applied each octave. The original noise::module::billow has scale of 2 and a bias of -1
HeterogeneousMultiFractal Noise module that outputs 3-dimensional Heterogeneous-multifractal noise. Heterogeneous multifractal is similar to multifractal; the single perturbation is computed as follows: offset is first added to gradient noise and then the result is multiplied to the i-th spectral weight. The result is, in turn, multiplied with the current noise value. Perturbations are then combined additively. The overall result is a soft version of multifractal algorithm, where slopes are less pronounced. (From http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Fractal_Creation ) This noise module outputs values that usually range from offset to offset *2.5, but there are no guarantees that all output values will exist within that range.
HybridMultiFractal Noise module that outputs 3-dimensional hybrid-multifractal noise. Hybrid-multifractal noise the perturbations are combined additively, but the single perturbation is computed by multiplying two quantities called weight and signal. The signal quantity is the standard multifractal perturbation, and the weight quantity is the multiplicative combination of all the previous signal quantities. Hybrid-multifractal attempts to control the amount of details according to the slope of the underlying overlays. Hybrid Multifractal is conventionally used to generate terrains with smooth valley areas and rough peaked mountains. With high Lacunarity values, it tends to produce embedded plateaus. Some good parameter values to start with: gain = 1.0; offset = 0.7; spectralExponent = 0.25;
MultiFractal Noise module that outputs 3-dimensional MultiFractal noise. The multifractal algorithm differs from the Fractal brownian motion in that perturbations are combined multiplicatively and introduces an offset parameter. The perturbation at each frequency is computed as in the fBM algorithm, but offset is finally added to the value. The role of offset is to emphasize the final perturbation value. Multiplicative combination of perturbation, in turn, emphasizes the "mountain-like-aspect" of the landscape, so that between mountains a sort of slopes are generated (From http://meshlab.sourceforge.net/wiki/index.php/Fractal_Creation )
Pipe Noise module that outputs the input source value without modification. Just a convenient class for any purpose.
SinFractal Noise module that outputs 3-dimensional Sin Fractal noise. This noise module is nearly identical to SumFractal except this noise module modifies each octave with an absolute-value function and apply a Sine function of output value + x coordinate
SumFractal Noise module that outputs 3-dimensional Sum Fractal noise. This noise is also known as "Fractional BrownianMotion noise" Sum Fractal noise is the sum of several coherent-noise functions of ever-increasing frequencies and ever-decreasing amplitudes. This class implements the original noise::module::Perlin
Voronoi Noise module that outputs Voronoi cells. In mathematics, a Voronoi cell is a region containing all the points that are closer to a specific seed point than to any other seed point. These cells mesh with one another, producing polygon-like formations. By default, this noise module randomly places a seed point within each unit cube. By modifying the frequency of the seed points, an application can change the distance between seed points. The higher the frequency, the closer together this noise module places the seed points, which reduces the size of the cells. This noise module assigns each Voronoi cell with a random constant value from a coherent-noise function. The displacement value controls the range of random values to assign to each cell. The range of random values is +/- the displacement value. The frequency determines the size of the Voronoi cells and the distance between these cells. To modify the random positions of the seed points, call the SetSeed() method. This noise module can optionally add the distance from the nearest seed to the output value. To enable this feature, call the EnableDistance() method. This causes the points in the Voronoi cells to increase in value the further away that point is from the nearest seed point. Voronoi cells are often used to generate cracked-mud terrain formations or crystal-like textures