C# (CSharp) KSUtil 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
App Interaction logic for the App Handles all command-line operations and initializes the UI
CompareDataGrid Interaction logic for CompareDataGrid Shows two comparison objects side-by-side in the UI Used by the CompareFileDataGrid display in the UI
CompareFileData Class used to compare two event files together, stores the results for display in the UI
CompareFileDataGrid Interaction logic for CompareFileDataGrid Displays the two event files side-by-side for easy comparison
CompareStreamData Supporting class for CompareFileData.cs Compares stream data from two different event files and stores the results for display in the UI.
FileData Demonstrates how to get metadata and stream information from an event file with the KStudioEventFile class. Properties are gathered for display in the UI and/or output to the command window.
FileDataGrid Interaction logic for FileDataGrid Displays event file information from a FileData object
Logger Logger class for writing strings to a text file, can be used during command-line operations.
MainWindow Interaction logic for the MainWindow Handles all UI operations, including View and Compare Files.
Metadata Metadata class which contains supporting functions to access/update/remove metadata from an event file
MetadataGrid Interaction logic for MetadataGrid Displays metadata information from the FileData object Used by FileDataGrid
MetadataToStringConverter Allows conversion of metadata values to strings when binding to the UI
NativeMethods Contains native methods used for command-line processing
Playback Playback class, which supports playing an event file to the Kinect service
Recording Recording class, which supports recording streams from the Kinect sensor
StreamSupport Class which contains supporting functions for converting streams from text to guids, and determining if specified streams are valid for playback/record.