C# (CSharp) Ipop 네임스페이스

중첩된 네임스페이스



이름 설명
AddressResolutionException Provides exception handling cases for the Address resolver so that Ipop can perform actions to resolve the issue.
CertificatePolicy Provides the ability to do https (ssl) transactions via web services and to trust the remote party.
DHCPConfig A Configuration class for the DHCP Lease Controller
DHCPConfig.ReservedIP Specifies reserved IP cases
Dns A basic abstract Dns server. Must implement the translation process using NameLookUp and AddressLookUp.
Ethernet Provides an interface to the Virtual Network device known as a TAP device. Ethernet is an ISender, meaning to write to the device, one must call the Send method. It is also an ISource, meaning to receive packets one must subscribe via the Subscribe method to the output.
GroupCertificateVerification A certificate handler for GroupVPN, provides the ability to revoke certificates by username alone rather then revoking individual certificates.
GroupVPNClient State machine used in obtaining a GroupVPN signed certificate.
IpopConfig IpopConfig contains configuration data meant for IPOP.
IpopConfig.AddressInfo AddressInfo stores end point mappings depending on the system all or none of these need to be defined before run time, this is here to save configuration for future use.
IpopLog Logging class for Ipop, still use ProtocolLog to write
IpopNode IpopRouter allows Ipop to provide L3 connectivity between multiple domains with only a single instance per site.
StaticDns Provides a static mapping for all nodes, just so that they can have a unique Dns name as required by classical applications such as Condor. They will be of the format C111222333.ipop, where the ip address is